50 Questions Just for Fun.
So my friend, Karla, did this and it looked like fun so here goes the first 25 questions...
1. Are you young at heart, or an old soul?Can I be both? Like Karla, I have always enjoyed "grandma"
hobbies like embroidery, quilting, crocheting, cooking, reading and writing letters; but, I LOVE kids! I work in our church's Junior Church and every year I cook at Athens Youth Camp after driving a van load of young people up there. I am also Event Coordinator for our Homeschool Group...so, I'll let you decide! ;) Oh, and don't let me know there is a baby around, I'm known by many as "Aunt Nesi" and when you get to heaven, you'll find me in the nursery with all the babies after the first million years at the feet of Jesus!
2. What Christmas present do you remember the
My Drowsy doll! I still have her and she still talks when you pull the string in her back!
3. Name one
physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you don't like.
My hair color. I love auburn hair and was blessed with a decent head of it...and the one I don't like is ....duh, my freckles!
4. What holiday do you most look
forward to?
Easter!! I love the time of year our Saviour paid the Ultimate Price.
5. How is the relationship
between you and your parents?
I have a very good relationship with my parents.
They are always there for me and pray for me and all my needs all the time.
You've got the TV on, but you're not really watching. What channel is the TV
We do not have TV.
7. If you could pick anywhere
to live the rest of your life, where would it be?
Probably here in Cincinnati. It's where I've lived the longest and it's home now.
8. Have you ever spent a night in the
Haha! TOOOO many nights! With a little boy who's had 17 surgeries and a husband with Parkinson's Disease, yes, I have spent MANY nights in the hospital!
9. Do you enjoy being with
only one or two friends, or with a large group of people?
Either one is fine with me. I would prefer one or two for meaningful times but have grown accustomed to large groups with my responsibilities.
10. Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do
your parents like the type of music you listen to?
My parents don't really listen to music. They prefer silence or talk radio. I love music of many genres and they would be comfortable listening to whatever I had playing.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it
Haha! Homemade bread with peanut butter and homemade strawberry freezer jam! I LOVE homemade bread!
12. Do you believe in a god?
I believe in the Triune God! He has healed and taken care of many needs and I know He lives. He is my Best Friend!
13. What's you're favorite hash-tag to
I don't Twitter.
14. When you
were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up?
A nurse. I loved reading Cherry Ames books and was sure that is what I would be! Lol! I'm a nurse alright~ private duty 24/7! :)
15. Do you want to have more friends than you have right
Like Karla, I don't need more friends, but I'm always happy to make new
16. Have you ever met someone through the Internet, then met
them in real life?
No, I don't think so.
17. Tell me about the last book you read.
It's been a little while since I read a book for me. We read textbooks! ;)
18. Predict what your life will look like a year from
I'm glad I have no idea what my life will look like a year from now ~ the prospects are scary!
19. Early bird or night owl?
Ditto for Karla's answer: Night owl for the most
part, but I have managed to get in the habit of getting up early, which requires
going to bed earlier than I would naturally. Which is a good thing, I think. I'm
definitely not a morning person.
20. Where do you live?
Southwest Ohio.
21. What was the longest car ride you've ever
From Cincinnati to Los Angeles, CA and then back across the north side of the country.
22. What is your
ethnic heritage?
I am "American" ~ my maternal grandmother was English, my maternal grandfather was Irish, my paternal grandparents were German.
23. Do you want to live until you're 100?
I might. If
that's what God wills. But I would only enjoy it if I could be healthy both
physically and mentally. One of my great-grandmothers lived to be 99.
24. Do
you practice what you preach?
I try to.
25. Have
you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate?
yes. Too many times...Some people don't like my propensity to laugh.
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