1. Nesi - my nickname. Aren't nicknames dear? They mean someone loves us enough to call us by a very special name meant just for us! My mother started calling me Nesi Gay as a little girl and when I became an aunt for the first time in July 1988, I received the very special title of "Aunt Nesi". Since then, lots of special people call me Aunt Nesi -people I love VERY much!
2.Neices and nephews - my neices by blood lines number eight. Nephews number six. Adopted ones! Innumerable!
3.Netherlands, Niagara Falls, New England, Nantucket - lovely places I've been blessed to visit. Here are some lovely nautical views I noticed in Nantucket. Would love to visit that lovely island for a week in the fall. Wouldn't that be a nice for the senses?

(Maybe stay in this darling Rose Covered Cottage- it really is this beautiful!)

5. Nasturtiums - a delightful flower that's so easy to grow. They say they are good on salads since they have a peppery taste - I don't know. I think they're too pretty to eat!

6. Neighborhood - we live in the second house built in our subdivision and are the longest residents as a result. I love our little neighborhood out in the country, though the city is quickly reaching us.
7.Nutricious nuts - mmm! We bought a two pound bag of pecans at Sam's yesterday. Turtles, pecan pie, pecan tassies, mmm!
8. Newspaper - an ammenity I really enjoy. It's nice to be able to skim through the headlines and find out what's happening in our world. God used the newspaper to help us get in with one of the best neurologists in the world. Dr. Espay has been a real god-send in my husbands encounter with Parkinson's Disease.
9.Needlework - sewing, crocheting, embroidery are some of my favorite hobbies in needlework. I've done a little quilting too.
10.Nature - so restful and refreshing. Normal life cycles, nests, noises. I do believe, "One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth!"
11.Nap - confession is good for the soul, they say. I live for my Sunday afternoon nap. My week goes so much better with one!
12.Noodles - homemade ones are one of my favorite dishes. In the fall/winter, we usually enjoy them at least twice a month.
13. November - the month I received my first bundle of joy! He'll be 18 this year. Hard to believe the little preemie that fought so hard for his life has grown up so fast! I'm so proud of him-he loves Jesus and one of my favorite sights every day is seeing him FAITHFULLY reading his Bible EVERY night- doesn't matter how tired he is! Love you, DJ! (He's also the one that set up and helps me with my blog;) )