February 12, 2009

Thursday Thirteen ~ "P"~

Well, this little fella has a whole cart load of my favorite flowers - PINK ROSES! Just in time to help us celebrate a whole bunch of blessings beginning with the letter "P" !
"P" must be my letter - as there are LOTS of things I enjoy that start with this purposeful letter!

1. Pretty PINK! - my very favorite pastel or any other shade for that matter! I'm pleased as punch with this pleasant color.

2. Patent leather-whether a purse with pockets (preferably black), shoes, or whatever, I really like it.

3.Porches - there's nothing like a porch. Little ones are adequate but a wrap-around would be my favorite. I just know my heavenly palace has a perfecly pretty one with hanging baskets of pink petunias hanging around it and big bushes of pink peonies with precious pansies planted all around! "Eye has not seen neither has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those that love Him!" - but it sure is fun to try imagining, isn't it? . . .Palladian windows, real stone patios beside a pond, pink parlor - a perfectly pleasant place to have tea! Oh! I can hardly wait!

4.Peaches, pecans, pepper jam, pimentoes, pistachios, pineapples, pears, plantains, peas, preserves, pepperoni, pies, petit fours, pancakes, parfaits, pasta,... mmm! Love 'em all!

5. Patchwork quilts - pastel ones from the past in the double wedding ring pattern would be m favorite. They show patient persistence with their pleasant patterns.

6. Polka dots - any shape any color. Love 'em! Pink polka dot pillows . . . ;). Now that's a good project idea!

7. Play the piano - I'm not good but it's a wonderful way to worship, de-stress and re-focus. I have a lovely portrait of my precious family hanging over mine.

8. Pennsylvanian by birth. My Papa, whose favorite restaurant happened to be Perkins, my cousin, who happens to be a Park Ranger, and a host of others - all from PA!

9.Patriotic Parades - LOVE to go to parades. The bands playing, flags waving and all the old cars are my favorites.

10. Preacher - I'm proud of my Preacher-Daddy. The best one ever and most young people that ever heard him whole heartedly agree. He was a GOOD one!

11. Plates, place settings, placecards, placemats . . . Ooo, la, la! Happiness is!

12. Picturesque places like Pike's Peak and Plymouth Plantation and Plymouth Rock. I've been blessed to photograph both places!

and the best for last . . .

13.PRAYER! Purposeful, precious, patient, preserving, peaceful prayer! One of the most wonderful benefits of being a child of the King. I could not live without it. It pleases the Father when we pray! Psalms and Proverbs provide pearls of purpose and promises for prayer. Mighty miracles are performed because PRAYER CHANGES THINGS! (This pink chair in my living room is my favorite place to pray).

Have a lovely day!


Cottage Flair said...

Thank you for your nice comments about my blog. Yours is great as well. I enjoyed your post on P's.

Chris said...

You win for comment of the day! Thank you for your kind words--it means a lot! Your blog is sooo pretty, by the way!