Happy Thanksgiving!
We celebrated at home this year as we spent last week in Michigan with Dan's parents. His dad had two heart surgeries and thankfully is all better now. The kids mentioned that we ALMOST made it a year without a hospital visit! Last Thanksgiving, we spent the week at Cincinnati Children's Hospital with Benji. He had lived in pain but no other outward evidence (like fever or seepage) after a surgery on October 23 to lengthen his rods. Well, the Monday before Thanksgiving, we were going down Route 4 and I went over a LITTLE bump. He cried out and kept crying for about an hour. We stopped at a Walgreens and I got him some Motrin and chocolate milk. By the time we got home he was doing okay. That evening, Dan took his brace off to help him get ready for bed and immediately called me over. The bandage that ran from his neck to his waist had infection on it! I took a look and a whiff and knew we were in BIG trouble. I called the orthopedic resident on call at Children's and told him what was going on. He said to come as quickly as we safely could and be prepared to stay. Later, that resident about passed out when he removed Benji's bandage and found the rod protruding out of Benji's back and DEEPLY infected. Dr. Crawford did emergency surgery the next morning and determined that Benji had staph infection in his bone. Benji was close to heaven that week, but God intervened. He came home with a pic line and we administered very potent antibiotics every six hours through December and most of January. Visiting nurses came out three times a week and with LOTS prayer, antiobiotics and TLC, a year later, Benji is doing AWESOME. We had a checkup with Dr. Crawford a month ago and Benji doesn't have to go back until next June! PRAISE THE LORD!

Benji and DJ playing with the helicopter the Junior Church got him.
Last Thanksgiving, we spent the day putting a gingerbread house together. We set it all up on Benji's bed table and he, Grammy, Lorna and I put it together and decorated it. Our dear friends, Don and Melinda Shirk let us borrow a bowl and spoon to make our frosting and even sent over a pumpkin pie and some rolls. I had bought a rotisserie chicken at Sam's the day before so that was our Thanksgiving Dinner! We were so thankful to have wonderful doctors, nurses and one of the best hospitals in the world. God is so good!
I thought of Melinda alot today. Wednesday she buried her mom. It was so sudden and such a brief illness. She was so young. Melinda is such a blessing to so many - such a giver with a servant heart. I pray God carries her through these difficult days. Moms are so important - I can't imagine losing mine.
Two years ago, we spent our last Thanksgiving with my brother-in-law, Dean. Dan's folks came down from Michigan for the day and Dean and Ona came over. I fixed a smoked turkey from Sam's, mashed potatoes, stuffing and all the other trimmings. I have the neatest picture of Dan, his dad and Dean all asleep in the living room while Mom, Ona, the kids and I looked at the ads at the dining room table. We talked alot about that Thanksgiving and those memories today. I'm so glad for the memories - no regrets there.
Well, this posting seems a little blue - I didn't mean it that way. Just giving thanks for all God's Blessings I'm still enjoying, all the wonderful answers to prayer and VERY thankful for the Grace that carries us through difficult seasons. Have a Blessed Christmas Season! Don't forget to "rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing"!